
Vinegar is an amazing home-cleaning product that can be used in a million different ways to clean a million different things. It’s not as aggressive or abrasive as chemical cleaning products so it leaves some irritants from which you may benefit. Your immunity grows stronger with every irritant it encounters and defeats – eliminating all irritants from your home may actually weaken your immunity to irritants you encounter out in the world.

A simple mixture of white vinegar and water can be a great surface cleaner in the bathroom and kitchen – eliminating dirt, spills, and soap scum without corroding the surface or putting your health in danger. Adding lemon juice can turn this simple surface cleaner into a light disinfectant. Adding dish soap can make for a powerful textile cleaner.

You can also make vinegar scrubs for deeper cleaning needs. Add salt and borax to water and vinegar to create a paste that can do scrub-level work by just spreading it over a stained area and waiting a few minutes before wiping it back up. Baking soda is a mild abrasive that can combine with the acid of vinegar and unclog your sinks without fucking up your pipes.

Combining vinegar with olive oil can make a great wood polish.

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